The Joys of Dog Walking

As a nation, we seem to all love pets with over 50% of us owning an animal.  Over 6.6 million dogs are owned in Britain, making them an extremely popular pet, with good reason too!
As we all know, dogs sometimes seem the happiest souls we know, they are always pleased to see you and love a good fuss, but they can be demanding too and need lots of exercise.  It is not all bad though as the exercise can benefit you as well as your dog!
The UK isn’t famous for its glorious weather and sometimes the idea of going out in the cold, wet and wind is less than desirable.  However, your dog still needs to go out, but just taking a dog walk in the fresh air can help rejuvenate you and really clear your head.
Country walks are a particular favourite and there is nothing nicer than going for a long country walk with your dog. The dog will love the best time to sniff, explore, meet other dogs and generally have a great time.  For you, you can enjoy the scenery of the countryside, and also take in the fresh air and keep  fit, especially the longer and faster you walk. 
Long walks can be great with a walking partner, it can really help you bond and talk about things and sometimes this will really help to perk you up.  Equally, a walk on your own can be wonderful  and very peaceful.
Although so many of us have dogs, we may not think about what we can really  gain from walking the dogs, for as well as their happiness, it can also be extremely pleasurable for us too, something, given the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we may sometimes forget.

Charlotte Maxted of The Pet Homes and Gardens Company